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Anger can damage your child, but it is often not your fault.

However, how you feel can affect their personality, confidence, and personal growth.

Fortunately, anger can be healthy and effective when controlled and expressed in appropriate ways. This book will tackle some ways to control your anger and stay calm in the presence of your child.

Managing anger towards your child is a challenging but necessary part of raising a happy and healthy child.

Raising a happy and healthy child

Children are an amazing part of our lives, and we want to make the relationship work.

It can be challenging, but it is not impossible.

Learning to manage your anger can help you stay connected to your children and other family members even when that difficult child or family member acts out.


There is no single way to control anger.

To learn how to control your anger, you must first understand the behavior of children and teens.

This can be difficult, especially when your anger is rooted in a long history of negative experiences.

Guide for Parents

Anger Management for Parents Guide is a practical, step by step guide for dealing with anger and other difficult feelings.

It was written specifically for parents going through a difficult time where anger has become their biggest obstacle to staying connected to their children.